This is the second chunk of home cast WWII vehicles that I painted for Dave, as before, I did a very quick paint job, it would be pointless to do anything more than this.
Questo e' il secondo blocco di carri della seconda guerra mondiale fatti in case che ho dipinto per Dave, come prima, ho optato per una pittura molto semplice, sarebbe inutile fare qualcosa di piu'.
Jagdpanzer IV/70 tank huners/Cacciacarri Jagdpanzer IV/70. 15mm, unknown manufacturer, washes and drybrush
Marder II self propelled artillery/Artigleria semovente Marder II. 15mm, unknown manufacturer, washes and drybrush
Stug III self propelled anti tank/ Stug III cannoni anticarro semoventi. 15mm, unknown manufacturer, washes and drybrush
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