sabato 28 agosto 2021

More Inner Sphere mechs/Altri mechs della Inner Sphere

 This is a bunch of new mechs I recently painted for a few of my palying group.

Questi sono nuovi mech che ho dipinto per vari elementi del mio gruppo.

A new Centuruion/Un nuovo Centurion. 1/285, Iron Wind Metals, full highlights

Cattle Master industrial mech/Mech industriale Cattle Master. 1/285, Iron Wind Metals, full highlights 

Mongoose, Vanquisher, Hauptmann and Red Shift of Burrs Black Cobras, a mercenary unit in the service of the Word of Blake/Mongoose, Vanquisher, Hauptmann e Red Shift dei Burrs Black Cobras, un'unita' mercenaria al servizio della Word of Blake. 1/285, Iron Wind Metals, full highlights

Marauder, Archer, Rifleman and Warhammer of the Manei Domini. MArauder, Archer, Rifleman e Warhammer dei Manei Domini. 1/285, Caralyst, full highlights

Banshee of the Manei Domini/Banshee dei Manei Domini. 1/285, Iron Wind Metals, full highlights

Victor, Cicada and Banshee of the WOB 52nd shadow division/Victor, Cicada e Banshee della 52esima divisione ombra della WOB. 1/285, Iron Wind Metals and Catalyst, full highlights

domenica 22 agosto 2021

More clan mechs/Altri mechs dei Clan

 These are some more Clan Mechs, some new ones and an old unseen one/Un altro po' di mechs dei Clan, alcuni nuovi ed un vecchio unseen.

Marauder IIC in anime style colours/Marauder IIC con colori stile anime. 1/285, Ral Partha, full highlights

Clan Smoke Jaguar Thor, Puma, Gladiator, Ryoken and Mad Cat, accompanied by some Elemental battle armors/Clan Smoke Jaguar Thor, Puma, Gladiator, Ryoken e Mad Cat, accompagnati da armature Elemental. 1/285, Catalyst games, full highlights

sabato 14 agosto 2021

Team Yankee East German infantry/Fanteria della Germania Est di Team Yankee

 This week an infantry company for Team Yankee from East Germany.

Questa settimana una compagnia di fanteria per Team Yankee, dalla Germania Est.

Mot Schutzen kompanie. 15mm, Battlefront, full highlights

MPi KM assault rifle teams with RPG18/MPi KM squadre fucili d'assalto con RPG18. 15mm, Battlefront, full highlights

MPi KM assault rifle team/MPi KM squadra fucili d'assalto. 15mm, Battlefront, full highlights

PKM LMG teams/Squadre mitraglaitrici leggere PKM. 15mm, Battlefront, full highlights

RPG7 teams/Squadre RPG7. 15mm, Battlefront, full highlights

domenica 8 agosto 2021

Clan mechs/Mechs dei clan

 This is a new batch of the Catalyst clan new sculpts, for a game event next saturday

Questo e' un gruppo di nuovi mech dei clan della Catalyst, per un evento il prossimo sabato.

Loki, Vulture, Daishi, Black Hawk and Man'O'War of Clan Jade falcon, accompanied by Elementals battle armor/Loki, Vulture, Daishi, Black Hawk e Man'O'War del Clan Jade falcon, accompagnati da armature Elementals. 1/285, Catalyst, full highlights

Fenris, Grendel, Shadow Cat, Dragonfly and Koshi of clan Wolf, accompanied by Elemantals battle armors/Fenris, Grendel, Shadow Cat, Dragonfly e Koshi del clan Wolf, accompagnati da armature Elemantals. 1/285, Catalyst, full highlights

Mad Cat of the Wolf Dragoons/Med cat dei Wolf Dragoons. 1/285, Catalyst, full highlights