sabato 27 luglio 2024

Macedonian phalanx

 This is a fairly large block of Macedonian pikemen that I painted for Dave. As there are so many, he opted for a quicker paint style, so everything is finished with washes, except for the white linen cuirasses and shields that would just look too dirty.

Armoured pikemen phalanx with command and characters. 28mm, Wargames Foundry, washes and drybrush

Unarmoured pikemen phalanx. 28mm, Wargames Foundry, washes and drybrush

The complete phalanx with the armoured pikemen at the front and the unarmoured ones in the rear lines, ready to take the place of the fallen.

domenica 21 luglio 2024

D&D characters and monsters

 This week a few models I finished from Max's Reaper Bones set, a female swashbuckler and a trio of Axolotl adventurers that could be used as NPCs or monsters.

Axolotl adventurers, fighter, shaman and thief. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

Human Female swashbuckler. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

domenica 7 luglio 2024

Imperial stormtroopers casualties

 My friend Max had an accident with some of his Star Wars Legion Stormtroopers and a couple of broken ones were missing some parts, so I turned them in casualties that can be used as objectives or tabletop decors.

Imperial stormtroopers casualties. 28mm, Fantasy Flight, drybrush