sabato 28 settembre 2024

D&D characters

 These are a bunch of D&D characters, suitable for PCs and NPCs that I finished recently.

Like most of other Reaper Bones figures I'm doing for my D&D group, they only get a quickshade treatment, it is good enough and fast to get a lot of figures finished fast.

Hero kids with pets, they have a nice range of theme and some recall famous characters. A bit of a modern concept for my personal taste, but they are ok figures and can always be used as gnomes if needs be. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping.

A trio of female characters, a thief, a druid/witch and a sorceress. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping.

sabato 14 settembre 2024

Flames of War Afrika korp infantry platoon

 This is a platoon of WWII German Afrika Korp that I painted for a friend.

He will do the basing himself, to keep it consistent with the rest of the army.

WWII German Afrika Korp infantry platoon. 15mm Battlefront miniatures, washes

DAK Infantry Platoon support weapons: mortar, anti tank gun, machine gun. 15mm Battlefront miniatures, washes

DAK Infantry Platoon riflemen. 15mm Battlefront miniatures, washes

DAK Infantry Platoon command. 15mm Battlefront miniatures, washes

sabato 7 settembre 2024

Another platoon of Bersaglieri

 This is the second platoon of WWII Italian Bersaglieri I painted for Dave, there is a third one in the works, then some Italian artillery.

Nothing really special about this platoon, it is basically the same as the previous one.

Bersaglieri light infantry platoon. 15mm, Battlefront miniatures, washes

domenica 1 settembre 2024

Hordes Dire Troll

 This is the latest troll figure I did for Dave, it is a Dire Troll bomber, but he gave it to me missing the barrels fuses, I might go back and add those if he finds them.

Dire Troll bomber. 28mm, Privateer Press, washes and drybrush

domenica 25 agosto 2024

WWII Italians for Flames of War

 This week we have the first of three platoons of Italian WWII Bersaglieri light infantry I am painting for Dave.

Bersaglieri light infantry platoon. 15mm, Battlefront miniatures, washes

sabato 17 agosto 2024

RPG models

 Few new RPG models from the Max's Bones Kickstarter.

Animal companions: Pseudodragon, wolf cub, goat and a mountain lion. 28mm, Reaper Bones, full highlights

Female Landsknecht. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

sabato 10 agosto 2024

Kobold tribe

 This is the kobold set that comes in the Reaper Bones Kickstarter V, I painted them for Max, I'm not sure we will be able to use them in the current campaign, the party is too high level for these puny adversaries, but it is always cool to paint a set like this and 18 models make a decent sized little tribe.

Kobold tribe warriors. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

Kobold tribe chieftain and bodyguards. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

Kobold grandma and chieftain wife with kid. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

Kobold tribe shaman. 28mm, Reaper Bones, dipping

The tribe in all its tiny splendor