This week I finished some tanks for Dennis, they are DAK Panzer IIIs in 15mm for Flames of War.
They are all from Battlefront except for one that I think is from Svezda.
This week I finished some tanks for Dennis, they are DAK Panzer IIIs in 15mm for Flames of War.
They are all from Battlefront except for one that I think is from Svezda.
I'm almost at the end of Max's giant Reaper Bones V kickstarter.
I started painting some of his figures that we needed for Warhammer games, then few for D&D, until I finally decided that I might as well paint the whole set of 150ish figures so that whenever we needed some for a game I would have them ready.
I went for a very simple and quick dipping method, that way I could have a high output and get them done without too much fuss.
This is the before last batch of figures for this project, the last one will be completed in a couple of weeks and it will be a more themed batch, you will see.
This week I have some historical figures for you, some Republican Roman legionaries and a handful of Thracian light infantry.
I did them all with a quick dipping, but I painted the Roman shields in a traditional way to make them look better, as usual, they are good for the table and look nice all lined up.
This is the second batch of DAK armor I finished for Dennis, Panzer IVs and a few self propelled artillery pieces.
I still have 28 Panzer III to do, but those will take some time to be completed.
A small batch of German Afrika Corp vehicles I recently finished for Dennis.
This is a Reaper Bones giant Wyvern that I painted for Doyle for his birthday. I started this "tradition" quite a few years ago, when it is some friend's birthday, I offer to paint some figures for them, from their pile of shame, instead of buying them more figures that will probably never get painted, I think it feels better to have some of their own pile done and out of the way, we all have figures we would really like to paint, but never get around to...
These are a bunch of NPCs from the Bones V set taht I painted for my gaming group.